"Attitude is the difference between catastrophe and adventure."

Friday, March 29, 2013

Life is Good

Sometimes, life is just good. Like, pumpkin pie shake good. Or visiting the Provo temple good. And sometimes life isn't so good. Like saying good bye. Or having the patience to wait for something you've been waiting for your whole life and it's almost here, but not quite. But I'd rather focus on the good stuff, wouldn't you? Thus, we are going to compile a list of My Favorite Things.

  1. Laughter. It burns calories and sends endorphins spinning through your brain, making you happy and healthy. Does it get better?
  2. Music. Turned up loud with the car windows rolled down. A slice of perfection.
  3. Roommates. They come to know you better than anyone else and are great companions for late-night ice cream cravings. 
  4. Temples. There aren't really any good words to express how going to the temple can make you feel. The Spirit is so strong when you just know you are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had over the past few months especially to attend the temple and let my testimony of the Gospel grow exponentially. 
  5. Family. Funny how much more they mean to you after you move out. I have absolutely loved getting to know my siblings in a different way now that we live apart. Phone calls, texts, and little hand-written notes come to mean a lot when you don't see each other every day. 
You know, this list could go on for quite a while. Think: living prophets, books, food, mission call, good job, awesome college, amazing friends and family... I am one blessed girl! So here's your challenge: instead of counting sheep, count your blessings tonight. It sure helps me appreciate what I do have instead of focusing on my lack.

"So amid the conflict, whether great or small, Do not be discouraged; God is over all. Count your many blessings; angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey's end."

LDS Hymns #241