"Attitude is the difference between catastrophe and adventure."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A New Job Adventure

Today's adventure consisted of starting a new job! I started training as an employee at Office Depot, thanks to my wonderful friend, Annlie Stevenson, and her tip-off that they were hiring. I got to the store at 9 am, where they handed me a scavenger hunt sheet. Seriously. I had to find 100 of the most popular items in the store and write down what aisle and section they were in. After 3 hours, I thought for sure I was either going to die or be fired because it took SO long! I had just 3 items left when finally one of the actual workers took pity on me and showed me where they were. Finally done, I took my sheet over to Lisa (the copy and print center manager, which is where I will be working) and she said "Done already?" And I'm like "Yeah." In my head: It's been 3 hours! Lisa: "Some people take three days to finish it." I am seriously glad that it took my three hours and not three days. After that scavenger hunt fun, I watched Lisa make a stamp for a customer, bind a little booklet, and print some copies. Then, I had my lunch break and came back for a three hour training meeting with other cashiers and the manager. Brutal. That is all I retained from that meeting. I didn't even know half of the stuff they were talking about, since I haven't actually been trained on anything yet. One funny thing: I had to take a drug test on Friday before they would start training me. While I was hanging out with Lisa in the copy and print center, somebody called and she answered it. Basically, it was a girl that was calling to see if she would be hired and Lisa said that her drug test came back with a little problem, so they wouldn't be offering her a job, but they would send her a letter, explaining. I couldn't help but feel a little smug that I actually got the job because I don't have drugs in my system. :)

In other news: You can hop over to Jeremy's blog to get real updates about his cancer, but I think today's news  needs to be mentioned here also. Today he went in for an MRI to see how much his tumor has shrunk. The doctors said that it has shrunk so much, they can't even measure it. It's called a "dead tumor" at this point. So even though he still has chemo treatments until the last week in July, he is technically in remission.


  1. First of all that is so exciting about Jeremy! And I am also so glad that it worked out with office depot! Can't wait to party all summer long! (that is when we aren't all working...haha)

  2. Yay!!! About your job! And about Jeremy! That is super great!!!

  3. Haha are you guys working at the office depot in layton together? And that's so great about Jeremy!!! I'm so happy for him and your whole family!! :D

  4. Yes I am super excited about this summer! Ha ha, no I am pretty sure that Annlie has a job elsewhere... I can't seem to remember what it's called at this second in time...
